Aquaponics at the zoo

Environmental education: Living and experiencing sustainability

Support programme

This project is funded by the "Intensification of Environmental Education in Bavaria" funding programme of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection as an environmental education project.


The environmental education project as part of the "Intensification of environmental education in Bavaria" funding programme of the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection uses an aquaponics display in the tropical house of the Hochfranken Zoological Society to demonstrate how aquaponics works. The advantages of aquaponics will be demonstrated to all visitors to Hof Zoo at several events. Aquaponics is a compound word and combines the production of Aqua-culture and hydroponics. Aquaculture supplies fish and hydroponic crops as food for humans.

Project partners

Zoological Society Hochfranken e.V.

Addressed SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Contact person

Portrait of Dr Harvey Harbach, research group leader for resource-efficient food production in integrated aquaculture at the Institute for Sustainable Water Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences.

Dr Harvey Harbach

Research group leader

Resource-efficient food production in integrated aquaculture (ReLe)


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The research here is tough.

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