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News from the Institute

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On 15 and 16 October 2024, the Institute for Sustainable Water Systems (inwa), in cooperation with the Competence Network...

Hof University of Applied Sciences, in cooperation with the Kompetenznetzwerk Wasser und Energie e.V., has successfully completed a new type of further education programme:...

15 & 16 October 2024
Securing water resources in times of drought
Active design, interactive, networking, sustainable....

Climate change and extreme weather conditions pose major challenges for water management. The JenaWasser special-purpose association is developing solutions in the InSchuKa research project and...

The strong growth in the research sector has led to a significant change at Hof University of Applied Sciences: The former Institute for...

The newly founded Institute for Sustainable Water Systems (inwa) at Hof University of Applied Sciences began its work four months ago....