Publications and theses
Short introductory text to the publications and theses from the institute to feed search engines with content.
- Bohatsch, M.; Frank, J.; Müller-Czygan, G.; Schmietzek, V.; Tarasyuk, V.; Wiesner, I. (2024). The DMeStHyA project - Measuring networks for the acquisition of hydrometerological data on the way to digitisation. Correspondence Water Management, 3/2024, pp. 155-167; DOI: 10.3243/kwe2024.03.001.
- Müller-Czygan, G. (2024); Digitising Complex Tasks in Water Management with Multilevel Analysis. IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1004449. Available from: Digitising Complex Tasks in Water Management with Multilevel Analysis | IntechOpen
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Wiese, J.; Fischer, R.; Zenke, R; Frese, A. & Frigger, M. (2023). Innovative control and energy monitoring ensures efficient wastewater treatment plant operation, even during pandemic times. In: Lyko, H. (ed.): Digitalisation in water management. Essen: Vulkan-Verlag, pp. 74-78
- Schnabel, T., Honke, R., Schmid, A., Mehling, S., Simek, O., Wolfram, A., ... & Springer, C. (2023). Low-cost test rig for characterisation of photocatalytic planar materials using photonically sized UV-A LED light sources. HardwareX, e00487.
- Mehling, S., Schnabel, T., Dutschke, M., & Londong, J. (2023). Floating immobilised TiO2 catalyst for the solar photocatalytic treatment of micro-pollutants within the secondary effluent of wastewater treatment plants. Water Science and Technology, 87(5), 1082-1095.
- Müller-Czygan, G. (2023). A tree rig does not a sponge city make. wwt Modernisation Report 2023/24, pp. 61-67.
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