
Publications and theses

Short introductory text to the publications and theses from the institute to feed search engines with content.


  • Bohatsch, M.; Frank, J.; Müller-Czygan, G.; Schmietzek, V.; Tarasyuk, V.; Wiesner, I. (2024). The DMeStHyA project - Measuring networks for the acquisition of hydrometerological data on the way to digitisation. Correspondence Water Management, 3/2024, pp. 155-167; DOI: 10.3243/kwe2024.03.001.


  • Müller-Czygan, G. (2024); Digitising Complex Tasks in Water Management with Multilevel Analysis. IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1004449. Available from: Digitising Complex Tasks in Water Management with Multilevel Analysis | IntechOpen
  • Müller-Czygan, G.; Wiese, J.; Fischer, R.; Zenke, R; Frese, A. & Frigger, M. (2023). Innovative control and energy monitoring ensures efficient wastewater treatment plant operation, even during pandemic times. In: Lyko, H. (ed.): Digitalisation in water management. Essen: Vulkan-Verlag, pp. 74-78

  • Schnabel, T., Honke, R., Schmid, A., Mehling, S., Simek, O., Wolfram, A., ... & Springer, C. (2023). Low-cost test rig for characterisation of photocatalytic planar materials using photonically sized UV-A LED light sources. HardwareX, e00487.

  • Mehling, S., Schnabel, T., Dutschke, M., & Londong, J. (2023). Floating immobilised TiO2 catalyst for the solar photocatalytic treatment of micro-pollutants within the secondary effluent of wastewater treatment plants. Water Science and Technology, 87(5), 1082-1095.

  • Müller-Czygan, G. (2023). A tree rig does not a sponge city make. wwt Modernisation Report 2023/24, pp. 61-67.

Contact person

Professor:inside/Research group leader

Institute Director and Research Group Leader:Prof Günter Müller-Czygan.

Prof Günter Müller-Czygan

Research group leader

Water infrastructure and digitalisation (DiWa)

Prof Dr Manuela Wimmer. Research group leader in the area of sustainability and project management in water management.

Prof Dr Manuela Wimmer

Research Group Leader

Sustainability and project management in water management (NaPro)

Portrait of Dr Harvey Harbach, research group leader for resource-efficient food production in integrated aquaculture at the Institute for Sustainable Water Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences.

Dr Harvey Harbach

Research group leader

Resource-efficient food production in integrated aquaculture (ReLe)

Portrait of Prof Dr Tobias Schnabel, research group leader for photonics and water at the Institute for Sustainable Water Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences.

Prof. Dr Tobias Schnabel

Research group leader

Photonics and water (PhoWa)

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A group of students and researchers from the Institute for Sustainable Water Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences (inwa) discuss at a meeting. The picture shows the committed collaboration and the opportunities for careers and academic theses in the field of sustainable water systems.