On 15 and 16 October 2024, the Institute for Sustainable Water Systems (inwa) in co-operation with the Kompetenznetzwerk Wasser und Energie e.V. the 4th Hof Water Symposium. Held on the premises of the Institute for Information Systems (iisys) at Hof University of Applied Sciences, the event will focus on securing both global and regional water supplies. Speakers include singer and water activist Rolf Stahlhofen ("Söhne Mannheims").

Source: adobestock.com;

Participants can expect an interactive and networking programme under the guiding theme of "Securing water resources in times of drought".

Open to experts and the public

In addition to inwa and its co-operation partner Kompetenznetzwerk Wasser und Energie e.V., many other companies from the water industry will be presenting themselves at the exhibition.

"The Hof Water Symposium is a specialist event with an integrated exhibition aimed at specialists from the field of water management. These can be those responsible for drinking water supply or wastewater disposal, but also companies that shape water management through their technology or software, for example."

Prof Günter Müller-Czygan, Director of the Institute

Representatives of the authorities and interested members of the public are also very welcome to attend the water symposium.

Rolf Stahlhofen: musician and committed water activist

Keynote speaker Dr Andreas Marx from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Leipzig will focus on the "Long-term water balance and drought under the influence of climate change". Rolf Stahlhofen, founder of the Water is Right Foundationsinger and water activist, will be another keynote speaker on the topic of "Good water quality: a human right in times of climate change". The musician, who always invests part of his fee in his foundation, has a clear goal:

We want to provide 100 million people with sufficient drinking water and sanitary facilities over the next ten years."

Rolf Stahlhofen, musician and water activist

His vision is to solve the global water problem as far as possible by 2050.

Rolf Stahlhofen (Source: Water is Right Foundation);

Topic still highly topical

Organiser and Institute Director Prof. Günter Müller-Czygan emphasises that the topic of the symposium is still highly topical - despite the heavy rainfall in Germany in the first half of 2024:

Regionally, the critical situation regarding groundwater levels and soil moisture in the upper layers has improved noticeably. However, the risk of a lack of water availability in times of drought naturally remains undiminished for many regions."

Prof Günter Müller-Czygan, Director of the Institute

He continues: "The consequences of a seasonal shift in precipitation are becoming increasingly visible. Summer dry periods are becoming longer, groundwater recharge in summer is continuing to decline, which is exacerbated by the reduced infiltration of heavy rainfall through dried-out soils, especially after longer dry periods." The Deputy Director of the Institute, Prof Dr Manuela Wimmer, adds:

On the other hand, we need more green spaces in cities, and agriculture and forestry will need to be irrigated more in the future, which means that the increasing demand for water represents a further stress factor. Last but not least, low water levels in our water bodies are increasing the pressure on water management to ensure that all water-related requirements are met in sufficient quantity and quality on a permanent basis."

Prof Dr Manuela Wimmer, Deputy Director of the Institute

Innovation transfer for local decision-makers

Numerous initiatives by the federal states, the federal government and at EU level are currently focussing on securing water resources for the future from different perspectives against the backdrop of the increasing effects of climate change. In addition, there are many new technical and organisational impulses from industry and science to handle water more efficiently, to increase multiple use or to develop alternative water resources.

Although many solutions are available, the road to practical implementation is still rocky and requires faster realisation in view of the increasing risks. Cities and municipalities are at the forefront of shaping public water supply and wastewater disposal and need effective innovation transfer to the respective local situation."

Prof Dr Manuela Wimmer

At the same time, possible solutions and measures to secure water resources, especially in times of drought, must be integrated as a suitable component in the ever-increasing variety of municipal tasks.

Innovative discussion formats

At the 4th Hof Water Symposium, traditional lecture formats followed by a discussion will be supplemented by new, innovative formats such as a "fishbowl discussion", which offers the opportunity to enter into dialogue with the keynote speakers and representatives from science and business. A place in the fishbowl is always free so that participants can actively take part, ask questions or exchange opinions. 

Registration and registration fee

Registration is possible until 16 September 2024. The detailed programme and the possibility to register can be found at

4th Hof Water Symposium - inwa (hof-university.de)
