Review: 4th Hof Water Symposium of the Institute for Sustainable Water Systems at Hof University of Applied Sciences (online format) - 16 October 2024

Topic: Securing water resources in times of drought

Participants: 30 people from industry, municipalities, specialised authorities, research

🌟 Keynote speech"Why don't we act with foresight?" (Prof G. Müller-Czygan)

After a rainy spring and summer and in view of the current flooding events in parts of Germany, Eastern Europe, Italy and Austria, the issue of drought seems to be taking a back seat. The focus is on flood and inundation protection measures. But when it comes to water management, measures for times of drought and heavy rainfall events must be considered together. Why are we not taking a holistic and integrative approach - even though the solutions are known and available? Is it because we are overwhelmed by the complexity of the issue? How can water resources be safeguarded with foresight in times of drought? One promising approach is sponge concepts, supported by the method of multi-level analysis. You can find out more on the Competence and transfer centre sustainable sponge city/region of the university

Insights into companies - insights into innovative solutions 

🌱 Browatech GmbH & Co. KG: Detention Layer as the core technology of the Purple Roof System - a conventional green roof becomes a sponge instrument for heavy rain management (M. Browa)

💧 DehoustProducts for the storage and efficient use of energy, heat and water - including rainwater storage and utilisation as well as the use of grey water (D. Ebisch)

🛠️ Plastic Spranger: Development and production of practical aquaculture and aquarium equipment (J. Zimmermann)

Insights Institute for Sustainable Water Systems - We know what creates water

🔬 Soil as a water reservoir - collecting and utilising data efficiently and effectively (A. Aicher)

☀️ Solar photocatalysis as a system for advanced wastewater treatment (Dr S. Mehling)

🧽 Learning sponge knowledge: certificate course on sponge projects - also with digital methods (Prof. M. Wimmer, A. Grabmeier)

🏙️ Multifunctional use of water reservoirs in urban areas: as a habitat or to irrigate crops (Dr H. Harbach)

Find out more about the Institute for Sustainable Water Systems here.

Key messages

🔗Take complexity into account & utilise synergy effects 

🌐 Think beyond system boundaries & collaborate across disciplines

💧 Think water management in an integrated way & promote this through (awareness) education

👉 Be there next time too!

The event team Anja Grabmeier, Prof Günter Müller-Czygan and Prof Manuela Wimmer are already looking forward to the 5th Water Symposium!
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