Publications and theses
- Müller-Czygan, G., Frank, J., Tarasyuk, V. (2025). Can GenAI Promote Complexity Skills Of Scientists? - A Hypothetical Observation. Ann Soc Sci Manage Stud 11(2): ASM.MS.ID.555810.
Müller-Czygan, G. (2025). Sustainable water management for the design of climate-resilient cities. Treffpunkt Kommune URL:
- Bohatsch, M.; Frank, J.; Müller-Czygan, G.; Schmietzek, V.; Tarasyuk, V.; Wiesner, I. (2024). The DMeStHyA project - Measuring networks for the acquisition of hydrometerological data on the way to digitisation. Correspondence Water Management, 3/2024, pp. 155-167; DOI: 10.3243/kwe2024.03.001
- Müller-Czygan, G. (2024); Digitising Complex Tasks in Water Management with Multilevel Analysis. IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.1004449. Available from: Digitising Complex Tasks in Water Management with Multilevel Analysis | IntechOpen
- Cárdenas, Nataly; Alarcon, Hugo; Schnabel, Tobias; Mehling, Simon (2024): Synthesis and characterisation of
nickel cobaltite-supported film for hexavalent chromium photocatalytic reduction. Water Science & Technology. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2024.330 - Ghiloufi, Mabrouka; Schnabel, Tobias; Mehling, Simon; Kouass, Salah (2024): Investigation of the Effect of Oxide Additives on the Band Gap and Photocatalytic Efficiency of TiO2 as a Fixed Film. MDPI Materials 24, 4671 (17). DOI: 10.3390/ma17184671
- Schnabel, Tobias; Faghih Nasiri, Elaheh; Mehling, Simon (2024): Photoelectrochemical cells for simultaneous
Energy generation and pollutant removal. Hof Energy Symposium 2024, Hof. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14001.60004 - Martschoke, Daniel; Schnabel, Tobias; Kühmstedt, Michael (2024): Photocatalytic air purification. PhoTech
Conference 2024, Weimar. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14957.19686 - Mehling, Simon; Wolfram, Axel; Schnabel, Tobias (2024): Production of TiO2 photocatalysts via
Sol-gel based dip coating. PhoTech Conference, Weimar 2024. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35089.85602 - Isler, Edgar; Dutschke, Manuel; Kleemann, Susanne; Wetterauer, André; Rädlein, Edda; Schnabel, Tobias;
Springer, Christian (2024): Investigations into the adsorptivity and reactivity of
floatable titanium dioxide catalysts. Thuringian Materials Days 2024, Weimar. DOI: :10.13140/RG.2.2.29595.27683 - Dutschke, Manuel; Wetterauer, André; Kleemann, Susanne; Schnabel, Tobias; Springer, Christian (2024): Degradation of mineral oil pollution on water surfaces by photocatalytically coated floating bodies. Thuringian Materials Days 2024, Weimar. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32950.72008
- Mehling, Simon; Hörnlein, Stefanie; Schnabel, Tobias; Beier, Silvio; Londong, J.rg (2024): Measurement and thermal characterisation of greywater discharge events for house-central collection systems in the context of heat recovery. Water Reuse. DOI: 10.2166/wrd.2024.054
- Cardenas, Nataly; Mehling, Simon; Alarcon, Hugo; Schnabel, Tobias (2024): Visible Light-ActiveCopperCobaltite Supported Film for Hexavalent Chromium Photocatalytic Reduction. Chemistry Select. DOI: 10.1002/slct.202404596
- C.rdenas, Nataly; Alarcon, Hugo; Mehling, Simon; Schnabel, Tobias (2024): SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERISATION OF NICKEL COBALTITE SUPPORTED FILM FOR HEXAVALENT CHROMIUM PHOTOCATALYTIC REDUCTION. Pro Ciencia. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32665.74085
- C.rdenas, Nataly; Alarcon, Hugo; Mehling, Simon; Schnabel, Tobias (2024): S.NTESIS Y CARACTERIZACI.N DE PEL.CULA SOPORTADA DE COBALTITA DE N.QUEL PARA FOTO-REDUCCI.N DE CROMO HEXAVALENTE. II Congreso Nacional de Semilleros de Investigaci.n II CONASEIN. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20220.45443
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Wiese, J.; Fischer, R.; Zenke, R; Frese, A. & Frigger, M. (2023). Innovative control and energy monitoring ensures efficient wastewater treatment plant operation, even during pandemic times. In: Lyko, H. (ed.): Digitalisation in water management. Essen: Vulkan-Verlag, pp. 74-78
- Schnabel, Tobias; Honke, Robert; Schmid, Andreas; Mehling, Simo; Göhring, René; Wolfram, Axel; Springer, Christian (2023). Low-cost test rig for characterisation of photocatalytic planar materials using photonically sized UV-A LED light sources. 2023, e00487 (16). DOI: 10.1016/j.ohx.2023.e00487
- Schnabel, Tobias (2023): Solar photocatalysis with floatable catalysts for the advanced
Wastewater treatment at municipal wastewater treatment plants. KA Korrespondenz Abwasser- Abfall. DOI:
10.3242/kae2023.05.002 - Schnabel, Tobias; Mehling, Simon (2023): Floating immobilised TiO2 catalyst for the solar photocatalytic
treatment of micro-pollutants within the secondary effluent of wastewater treatment plants. Water Science and
Technology 2023 / 2 (84), pp. 364-373. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2023.066 - Müller-Czygan, G. (2023). A tree rig does not a sponge city make. wwt Modernisation Report 2023/24, pp. 61-67.
- Mueller-Czygan G., Schnabel T, Aicher A., Mehling S.Combination of near-natural and innovative wastewater treatment as an effective component of sustainable water resource protection in rural areas.Proceedings of the VІІІІ International Scientific and Technical Conference 2023. p. 32-36
- Mueller-Czygan G., Tarasyuk V. SBR -wastewater treatment plants with intelligent CBR-control - modular production and energy-saving operation management with fluctuating wastewater inflows, Pure water. Fundamental, applied and industrial aspects (9-10 November 2023, Kyiv): proceedings of the VІІІІ International Scientific and Technical Conference 2023. p. 29-31
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Wimmer, M.; Frank, J.; Schmidt, M.; Tarasyuk, V. Mindset Changes for Dealing with Complex Climate Impacts - Experiences with a Tool from Courses on Digitalisation and Climate-Adapted Urban Development. Ann Soc Sci Manage Stud. 2023; 9(5): 555771. DOI: 10.19080/ASM.2023.09.555771
- Müller-Czygan, G. (2023). Change of perspectives - How rivers are effectively incorporated into sponge city concepts using Multi-Level-Analysis (MLA). 13th Water Research Horizon Conference, 26/27 September 2023 in Freiburg, lecture.
- Müller-Czygan, G. & Schmidt, M. (2023): Certificate course "The road to the sponge city - urban development in times of climate change" - ANLiegen Nature 45(2): 17-20, Laufen
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Schmidt, M. & Aicher, A. (2023). The sponge city: possibilities for effective water management in urban areas. Dresden Groundwater Days 2023 (13-14 June 2023), presentation and publication of conference proceedings
- Harbach, H; Presser, A; Wimmer, M; (2023). Generating renewable energy from hydropower. gwf-Wasser|Abwasser 1/2023; Essen: Vulkan-Verlag, pp. 49-51
- Senff K, Baßmann B, Kaiser F, Harbach H, Robin C, Fontaine P (2022) Root-released organic compounds in aquaponics and their potential effects on system performance. Reviews in Aquaculture 2022; 1-7.
- Wimmer, M., Müller-Czygan, G. (2022). Energy crisis, water conservation and adaptation of infrastructure. wwt modernisation report 2022/23, page 18-21
- Wilderer, P.A., Wimmer, M. et. al (2022): Sustainability requires Circular Economy in Reichwald R et. Al (eds.): Circular Economy, TUM Forum Sustainability
- Dölz M, Eckstein K, Presser A, Harbach H (2022) NEEWa - Network for the generation of energy from hydropower in existing hydropower plants. Annual conference of the Central German Hydropower Association, 07 October 2022, Oelsnitz/Vogtland, Germany (presentation)
- Harbach H, Wimmer M (2022), Efficient use of resources in Aquaculture: NEEWa - Network for generating energy with hydropower in existing water systems. Aquaculture Europe 2022, 27-30 September 2022, Rimini, Italy (Poster)
- Müller-Czygan, G. (2022). From Everyday Usability to Digital Complexity - Effective Implementation Transfer from the WaterExe4.0 Meta-Study to Digitise Processes in the Water Industry with Success. Presentation at the "Global Experts Meet on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology GEMASET", October 14-16, 2022 - Paris, France
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Wiese, J.; Tarasyuk, V. & Tschepetzki, R. (2022). "Energy saving on wastewater treatment plants with case-based control (Cased Based Reasoning)". In: Daniel Demmler, Daniel Krupka, Hannes Federrath (Eds.). "INFORMATIK 2022 - Informatik in den Naturwissenschaften" (Conference 26 - 30 September 2022, Hamburg). S. 1447-1472. DOI: 10.18420/inf2022_125 (presentation and publication)
- Mehling, Simon, Tobias Schnabel, and Jörg Londong. 2022. "Investigation on Energetic Efficiency of Reactor Systems for Oxidation of Micro-Pollutants by Immobilised Active Titanium Dioxide Photocatalysis" Water 14, no. 17: 2681
- S. Mehling, T. Schnabel, J. Londong (03/2022):Analysis of the behaviour of cumulative analytical parameters and their correlation to micro-pollutant degradation during treatment of real wastewater by carrier-bound photocatalytic ozonation, Water Science and Technology 85 (6), pp. 1964-1980. DOI: 10.2166/wst.2022.053
- Schnabel, Tobias; Dutschke, Manuel; Schuetz, Frank; Hauser, Frank; Springer, Tobias (2022): Photocatalytic air purification of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: Application of a flow-through reactor, kinetic studies and
degradation pathways. Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry 430 (113993). DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2022.113993 - Schnabel, Tobias; Dutschke, Manuel; Mehling, Simon; Londong, Jörg (2022): Investigation of factors influencing the photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceuticals on supported catalysts using UV-A LEDs. Chemistry Select 7
(7). DOI: 10.1002/slct.202103759 - T. Schnabel: Removal of micropollutants on supported photocatalysts, 55th Essen Conference, young scientists Forum (03/2022), Essen, lecture Degradation of micropollutants on floatable photocatalysts by solar radiation, DWA Landestagung Thüringen, 09/2022, poster
- Monien-Zeh, M., Harbach, H., Kaiser, F. (2022) Living sustainability in fish farming and sewage treatment plants. Fischer und Teichwirt 7/2022, 272-273
- Harbach, H. (2022) NEEWa - Network for the generation of energy with hydropower in existing hydropower plants. Hydropower & Energy 1/2022, 15-19.
- Harbach H, Kaiser F (2022) Aquaponics for sustainable production, now also of feed in zoos. Fischer und Teichwirt 2/2022, 58.
- Eckstein, K., Kaiser F., Harbach, H. (2022) NEEWa. Project of the Green-Tech University of Applied Sciences Hof to promote the use of hydropower in existing water systems. WaterEconomy 04, 56-57.
- Harbach H. (2022) Utilising existing water facilities in the project: NEEWa - Network for the generation of energy with hydropower in existing water facilities. 9th Workshop Forum Fischschutz und Fischabstieg "Technisch-hydraulische Bewertung von Fischschutz und Fischabstieg an Wasserkraftanlagen", Federal Environment Agency, 30-31 May 2022, Dessau, Germany.
- Kaiser, F., & Harbach, H. InnoFish - innovative adaptation of integrated aquaculture in an established extensive fish farm. AACL Bioflux. (2022). 15(2):873-877.
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Tarasyuk, V., Wagner, C. and Wimmer, M.: WaterExe4.0 - Sustainability and business-as-usual strategy as key factors for successful digitisation projects. KA Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall - 2022 (69) No. 4, 295-302. DOI: 10.3242/kae2022.04.005
- Kaiser, F., Harbach, H., & Schulz, C. Rapeseed proteins as fishmeal alternatives: A review. Reviews in aquaculture. (2022)
- Müller-Czygan, G., Tarasyuk, V., Wagner, C. and Wimmer, M. Die deutschsprachige Wasserwirtschaft im Jahr 2020/21 - Metastudie "WaterExe4.0" zeigt Erfolgsfaktoren und Erwartungen für die digitale Zukunft auf. Austrian Water and Waste Management. (2022)
- Müller-Czygan, G.: Success factors for digitalisation in the water industry. Volume 174 "Wasserhygientage 02-03 February 2022" of the publication series of the WaBoLu e.V. association.
- Müller-Czygan, G.: "Digitalisation of municipal structures using the example of water management - Kommunal 4.0." In: Porth, M., Schüttrumpf, H. (eds.), Water, Energy and Environment. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2022. 813-820
- Müller-Czygan, G., Becker, C.: "Getting started in digital water management with smart machines." In: Porth, M., Schüttrumpf, H. (eds.), Water, Energy and Environment. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2022. 869-877
- Schnabel, Tobias: Removal of micropollutants on supported photocatalysts
- Mehling, Simon; Schnabel, Tobias; Londong, Jörg (2021): Photocatalytic ozonation in an immersion rotary body reactor for the removal of micro-pollutants. Water Science and Technology 85 (1), pp. 535-548. DOI:
Schnabel, Tobias; Mehling, Simon; Londong, Jörg; Springer, Christian (2021): Photocatalytic degradation of hydrocarbons and methylene blue using floatable titanium dioxide catalysts in contaminated water. Water Reuse 11 (2), pp. 224-235. DOI: 10.2166/wrd.2021.118 - Müller-Czygan, G.: HELIP® and "Anyway Strategy" - Two Human-Centred Methods for Successful Digitalisation in the Water Industry, Annals of social science & management studies, Juniper Jounals, 05. 12. 2021, DOI: 10.19080/ASM.2021.06.555700
- Müller-Czygan, G., Wimmer, M.: How are successful digitalisation projects made?, WasserWirtschaft, 12/2021
- Müller-Czygan, G., Wimmer, M.: Why digitalisation projects often fail, but don't have to, WasserWirtschaft, 11/2021
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Wiese, J.; Fischer, R.; Zenke, R; Frese, A. & Frigger, M. (2021). Innovative control and energy monitoring ensures efficient wastewater treatment plant operation, even during pandemic times. gwf-Wasser|Abwasser 11/2021; Essen: Vulkan-Verlag, pp. 59-64
- Müller-Czygan G., Tarasyuk V., Wagner C., Wimmer M.: How Does Digitisation Succeed in the Municipal Water Sector? The WaterExe4.0 Meta-Study Identifies Barriers as well as Success Factors, and Reveals Expectations for the Future; Energies 2021, 14, 7709.
- Müller-Czygan, G., Wimmer M., Tarasyuk V., Wagner C.: Digitalisation in the water industry - how it can succeed, Aqua & Gas, N°10 | 2021
- Müller-Czygan, G., Wimmer, M.: Digitalisation has arrived in the water industry, WasserWirtschaft, 9-10/2021
- Müller-Czygan, G., Tarasyuk, V., Wagner, C. , Wimmer, M.: WaterExe4.0 - Results of the first meta-study on digitisation in the water industry in the German-speaking region. European Wastewater Management Conference, 28-29 September 2021 at Birmingham/Online (paper, poster and presentation)
- Müller-Czygan, G.:Industrie 4.0 für die Wasserwirtschaft, in: Peter Dortans (ed.) "Innovation Race - Wegweisende Prinzipien für das Management von FuE-Projekten". Murmann-Verlag 2021, ISBN 978-3-86774-694-6
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Tarasyuk, V.; Wagner, C.; Wimmer, M.: Digitalisation as a core element of future water strategies - what is important?, gwf-Wasser | Abwasser, 08/2021
- G. Müller-Czygan, V. Tarasyuk, C. Wagner, M. Wimmer: Digitalisation in water management, gwf-Wasser | Abwasser, 06/2021
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Tarasyuk, V.; Wagner, C.; Wimmer, M.: Metastudy on the digitalisation of the D-A-CH water industry, Aqua & Gas, 28 May 2021
- Harbach: InnoFish - Innovative adaptation of integrated aquaculture to existing fish farms, AquaVIP Gdynia Summer School, 17-20.05.2021, Gdynia, Poland (lecture)
- Harbach H; Wimmer M: Successfully reducing nitrate pollution of groundwater and surface water with integrated aquaculture, Wasser 2021 der Gesellschaft deutscher Chemiker (GDCh), 10-12 May 2021, online conference, Germany (poster)
- G. Müller-Czygan, V. Tarasyuk, C. Wagner, M. Wimmer: Factors for a successful implementation transfer of digitalisation in the water industry, gwf-Wasser, 03/2021
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Wiese, J.; Vogel, J.: Case-based control systems - a future model for more operational efficiency and plant safety in wastewater technology? KA Correspondence Wastewater, Waste - 2021 (68) No. 2, 102-106
- Müller-Czygan, G.; Smart Water - how to master the future challenges of water management. IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.90644
- Müller-Czygan, G. (2020) Smart Water - how to master the future challenges of water management; in: Chandrasekaran , P.T.; JavaidM.S. & Sadiq, A. (eds.). Resources of Water; IntechOpen;
- Harbach, H; The mussel in laboratory animal husbandry. 58th Scientific Conference of the Society for Laboratory Animal Science GV-SOLAS and 19th Training Event of the IGTP, 16-17 September 2020, Würzburg, Germany (presentation).
- Harbach, H; Wimmer, M; Aspects of the husbandry of aquatic laboratory animals. 58th Scientific Conference of the Society for Laboratory Animal Science GV-SOLAS and 19th Training Event of the IGTP, 16-17 September 2020, Würzburg, Germany (presentation).
- Harbach, H; Wimmer, M; Reduction of nitrate in groundwater and surface water through the use of integrated aquaculture in traditional fish farming. Proceedings of the Water 2020 Annual Conference of the Water Chemistry Society, 18-20 May 2020, Potsdam, Germany. 262-264.
- Harbach, H; Palm, H.W (2020) Fully controlled experimental recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) for experimental studies with mussels (Mytilus edulis-like), focusing on temperature and salinity regimes. AACL Bioflux 13(5), 2694-2704.
- Schnabel, Tobias; Mehling, Simon; Londong, Jörg; Springer, Christian (2020): Hydrogen peroxide-assisted photocatalytic water treatment for the removal of anthropogenic trace substances from the effluent of wastewater treatment plants. Water Science and Technology 82 (10), pp. 2019-2028. DOI:
10.2166/wst.2020.481 - Schnabel, Tobias; Springer, Christian; Krause, Katrin; Hörnlein, Stefanie; Londong, Jörg (2020): Trace substance elimination from treated wastewater in a photocatalytically effective rotating immersion vessel. Correspondence Wastewater, Waste 67 (8), pp. 598-607. DOI: 10 .3242/kae2020.08.002
- Bickendorff, Michael; Schnabel, Tobias; Londong, Jörg (2020): Photocatalytic oxidation as a process for advanced wastewater treatment. Correspondence Wastewater, Waste. DOI: 10.3242/kae2020.03.001
- Schnabel, Tobias (2020): Photocatalytic degradation of pharmaceutical micropollutants on supported catalysts. 41
- Schnabel, Tobias; Springer, Christian; Krause, Katrin; Hörnlein, Stefanie; Londong, Jörg (2020): Trace substance elimination from treated wastewater using photocatalytically active rotating immersion devices. GWA Volume 252 of the Essen Conference 2020 252.
- Schnabel, Tobias; Springer, Christian; Hörnlein, Stefanie; Mehling, Simon; Beier, Silvio; Londong, Jörg (2020): Titanium dioxide based photocatalytic material for the degradation of pharmaceuticals from wastewater treatment plant effluent. Gwf
AW, 3/2020
Publications and theses
Final theses
- Amman-Jordan, M., Wastewater Treatment at Cement Industry - Transfer State of the Art Techniques to Selected Jordan Cement Industry Companies.
- Aakash Sanjay Kalkundrikar - Investigation of the energy-related cooling performance of Sponge City elements using the example of "Polytec" Nordhalben
- Kelvin Omamuromu Akpojaro - Simulation of partial flows of wastewater in elements of a sponge city
- Bhagyashri Shashank Kini - Potential analysis of water-sensitive measures at Zoo Hof by using hydrodynamic simulation with SWMM
- Chippigana Chellukutty Sheela - Sponge balcony - Concept development for innovative evaporation production for cooling PV systems on hot days with combined rainwater storage
- Chitrang Dipakkumar Rana - Conceptual development of a prefiltration system including comparative analysis with conventional prefiltration systems
- Dhanesh Muralidharan Nair- The importance of leak detection in water distribution systems in connection with the market analysis of acoustic leak detection devices - for effective non-revenue water management
- Hima Moochikkal Surendran - Vibrational Cleaning of AQUALOOP-direct Ultrafiltration Unit
- Imam Mahdi Burhani - Theoretical Study of the Integration of Wastewater (Partial) Flows in Sponge City Elements
- Ibrahim Darwish Mustafa Hamami - Comparative Analysis to Determine the Runoff Behaviour of Green Roofs in Heavy Rainfall Events
- Kishan Pradip - Development of a data basis and a catalogue of requirements for a decision support for the planning of an integrated and digital based management of sewer network and wastewater treatment plants
- Manjeet Singh - Investigation of the potential for water self-sufficient construction and operation of existing buildings and properties using multi[1]level analysis
- Viradiya Mitul Rasikbhai - Comparative analysis of STOAT and SIMBA# simulation for the Heringhausen SBR wastewater Treatment plant
- Mutaz Aial Salman - Wastewater Treatment at Cement Industry - Transfer State of the Art Techniques to Selected Jordan Cement Industry Companies
- Ninu Reeba Thankachan - Modernisation of swimming pool water treatment and circulation systems for sustainable, efficient and hygienic solutions
- Noble Johnson - Development of a catalogue of requirements for the integrated and digitally supported management of the sewer network and wastewater treatment plant
- Praktikkumar Rajendrakumar Parmar - Potential analysis for the use of sponge elements for buildings and properties of Novafon GmbH using multilevel analysis
- Raviraj Rathod - Development of a data basis and a list of requirements for a decision support tool for the planning of efficient and sustainable solutions of the fourth purification stage
- Tajinder Singh - Investigation of the Potential for Water Self-Sufficient Construction and Operation of New Buildings and Properties Using Multi-Level Analysis
- Thomas Kuriakose - Sustainable and Cost-Benefit Analysis of Greywater Heat Recovery Systems for Water Heating in an Industrial Residential Area
- Kuhn, R., The Future of Sustainable Buildings from a Water Management Perspective exemplified by KSB SE & Co. KGaA.
- Ala'Aldin Omar Adnan Altaiba - Investigation of the environmental impacts of steel production on water resources
Contact person
Professors/research group leaders
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