
Project start: 01/02/2023
Project end: 31 January 2025
Efficient treatment of wastewater from the pharmaceutical industry in India using a3op® technology

Support programme

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) Export initiative for environmental protection


The project focuses on the export of the "a3op®" technology developed by the company up2e!, which is to be specifically adapted for the treatment of wastewater from the pharmaceutical industry in India. The innovative wastewater technology using ozone leads to a significant reduction in energy requirements and operating costs (by 30 % to 50 %), a reduction in the carbon footprint and promotes the achievement of Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD). Thus, the project provides a comprehensive solution for pharmaceutical wastewater in India and is in line with the goals of the SDG 2030 agenda. The introduction of this new technology will benefit the environment, economy and society in India. It supports the regional industry by providing an efficient technology that enables them to operate sustainably, cost-effectively and in line with government-mandated environmental standards.


To ensure successful implementation and long-term market development, the project is relying on various marketing strategies such as workshops, training courses, trade fair participation and information events to raise awareness of the technology and impart knowledge about it. In addition, a specialised information and training platform is being planned. This initiative aims to significantly improve wastewater treatment practices in the pharmaceutical industry and potentially extend its benefits to other industries. Establishing a functional local partnership is another important part of the project, which will ensure sustainable market development and facilitate networking in India.

Project partners

up2e! Ltd.

Paques Environmental Technology India Pvt Ltd
1st Floor | PGP House | New No.59 Sterling Road
Chennai 600 034

Addressed SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Contact person

Institute Director and Research Group Leader:Prof Günter Müller-Czygan.

Prof Günter Müller-Czygan

Research group leader

Water infrastructure and digitalisation (DiWa)

Jasmin Rose Mundackal

Research assistants

Water infrastructure and digitalisation (DiWa)


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The research here is tough.

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