
Digitalisation report and sustainability index

Support programme

This project is supported by the management of Hof University of Applied Sciences from funds allocated by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts to promote transfer.


Digi: In the completed WaterExe4.0 project, a comprehensive and valuable database on the status of digitalisation in the water sector was created for the first time for German-speaking countries. Based on the desire of potential users in the water industry for assistance in the selection and implementation phase of digitalisation projects, it became clear that an overview of digital solutions in their future projects is urgently needed. Individual internet searches via search engines for new digital input solutions are currently not efficient enough.

NaX: As a place of education for academics and the centre of future-oriented research, universities have a particularly important role to play in sustainable development. As a Green Tech University, Hof University of Applied Sciences is already driving forward ecologically sustainable behaviour within the university and corresponding developments in the region and would also like to further expand sustainability in all its areas at the university itself and be a transfer beacon for the region. Good examples from other universities already show that this process can succeed with the help of a sustainability concept and a strategy for sustainable development.


Digi: The main objective of the digitalisation report is to produce an annual status report on the digitalisation of the water industry. The main topics included in the report are success factors for digitalisation projects, lighthouse projects/best practices and starting points for project ideas and innovations. An interactive web portal will serve as a database, providing an overview of the digital solutions available in the German-speaking water industry for the first time. Some of the challenges here are, for example, a user-friendly search and input mask or offering users the opportunity to submit new solutions via a standardised registration form.

NaX: The cornerstone of Hof University of Applied Sciences' sustainability concept is to be a sustainability index that analyses universities in German-speaking countries according to sustainability criteria, such as the effective use of daylight, plastic- and waste-free canteens or representatives of special groups of people. In addition, the actual opinion of students, lecturers and employees on the subject of sustainability at Hof University of Applied Sciences is recorded, as well as the sustainability measures they have perceived at Hof University of Applied Sciences to date. The recommendations for action that can be derived from the data collected are part of Hof University's sustainability concept, some of which are to be implemented in the near future.

To transfer the results of the digitalisation report and the sustainability index, the concept of the Hof Water Symposium will be optimised as a regularly recurring symposium with a trade exhibition, which will be planned and held in November 2022.

Project partners

bitzinger GmbH

Ossecker Street 174
95030 Court

Addressed SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Contact person

Institute Director and Research Group Leader:Prof Günter Müller-Czygan.

Prof Günter Müller-Czygan

Research group leader

Water infrastructure and digitalisation (DiWa)

Harikrishnan Thanipparambu Narayanan Kutty

Research assistant

Water infrastructure and digitalisation (DiWa)

Dr Viktoriya Tarasyuk

Research assistant

Water infrastructure and digitalisation (DiWa)


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