
Project start: 01.03.2025
Project end: 31/08/2027
Adapted urban land-use planning for water-sensitive urban neighbourhood development in the city of Hof

Support programme

Funding priority B - Innovative model projects for climate adaptation and natural climate protection


The city of Hof, like many other cities, is facing the challenge of climate-adapted urban development. In this context, the Hof University of Applied Sciences is working on the project "Verbund-ANK-DAS-B.1: Adapted urban land-use planning for water-sensitive urban district development in the city of Hof", which is dedicated to water-sensitive urban district development. This project is funded by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV) and will run from 1 March 2025 to 31 August 2027. The funding is based on the "Measures to adapt to the consequences of climate change" directive and is managed by Zukunft - Umwelt - Gesellschaft (ZUG) gGmbH as the project sponsor. The special significance of the project is underlined by the cooperation of various experts. The Kompetenznetzwerk Wasser und Energie e.V. and M&S Umweltprojekt GmbH are contributing their expertise together with Hof University of Applied Sciences.


The project pursues a holistic approach to the development of future-oriented urban neighbourhoods using the specific example of the Trappenberg development area in Hof. The focus is on the development of innovative urban land-use planning that will serve as a model for future urban development projects.

A comprehensive concept is being developed with the project partners involved that:

  • defined a new type of urban land use planning process (phase 0),
  • applies the multi-level analysis developed at Hof University of Applied Sciences and
  • integrated nature-based solutions to create multifunctional, resilient urban neighbourhoods.

A particular focus is on the development of innovative concepts for rainwater treatment, ranging from collection, drainage and storage to infiltration. The overarching goal is to create multifunctional, resilient urban neighbourhoods that can serve as a model for sustainable urban development.

Project partners

Kompetenznetzwerk Wasser Energie e.V.
Schaumbergstr. 2
95032 Hof


M&S Umweltprojekt GmbH
Pfortenstrasse 7
08527 Plauen

Addressed SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals)

Contact person

Institute Director and Research Group Leader:Prof Günter Müller-Czygan.

Prof Günter Müller-Czygan

Research group leader

Water infrastructure and digitalisation (DiWa)


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