The strong growth in the research sector is leading to a significant change at Hof University of Applied Sciences: the former Institute for Water and Energy Management at Hof University of Applied Sciences (iwe) will be split into two institutes with future-oriented specialisations: While the "Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology" will retain the short form "iwe", the new Institute for Sustainable Water Systems will operate under the name "inwa" in future. The split into two institutes is also intended to provide a clear focus for researchers.

Archive image: The topping-out ceremony for the future institute building was held in the middle of last year - once completed, researchers from two institutes will be working here; image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

The previous iwe recently had over 30 scientific employees in 10 research groups as well as the respective research group leaders. A continuation of this development is forecast for the new iwe focal areas of hydrogen and energy self-sufficiency, as well as for the working groups in water-related research:

Strong demand for research

University President Prof Dr Dr h.c. Jürgen Lehmann:

There is currently no end in sight to this trend. Against the backdrop of climate change, the energy crisis and increasing extreme weather events in particular, research is facing major challenges. From an organisational point of view and to improve visibility for the respective economic sectors, it is therefore useful to make the two areas independent."

Prof. Dr Dr h.c. Jürgen Lehmann

This also makes sense because work processes, approaches and networks are increasingly different from one another, which takes up valuable time resources of the scientific staff, continued Prof Dr Dr Lehmann.

Advantages of independence

The specialist departments, which have grown considerably, can now position and organise themselves much better on a subject-specific basis:

Our academic work thrives on professional exchange and discussion. This is why we have internal routines such as the institute seminar, which is much more focussed due to the separation of the two departments. "

Prof Dr Tobias Plessing

Tobias Plessing, who will continue to manage the iwe, while inwa is currently represented by Prof Günter Müller-Czygan as spokesperson for the institute management. And there are other advantages of independence: in some funding programmes, such as the ZIM SME funding programme, both institutes can now submit their own applications in a joint project. Previously, the limited funding budget had to be shared.

Topic-specific focussing

But the focus in terms of content is also obvious: while the new iwe (Institute for Hydrogen and Energy Technology) will place a strong emphasis on knowledge-oriented research and applied technical research and development, the inwa (Institute for Sustainable Water Systems) will continue to expand its applied research and development in the key areas of sponge city, photonics, food production, knowledge transfer and sustainability.

"The two new institutes can and will freely utilise these advantages and thus become more efficient."

Prof Günter Müller-Czygan

Organisational steps

Until the joint institute building on the Hof University campus is completed, the researchers will continue to work in the offices and laboratories of the existing university infrastructure. Due to its strong focus on knowledge-orientated and applied research, the new iwe will occupy the new building with its laboratories. The inwa will use the laboratories planned for the water sector. With a view to further growth, the plan is to concentrate the premises for professors and academic staff in one location within the university. Of course, IT infrastructure, public appearances, personnel administration, etc. must first be reorganised or reallocated. New institute logos and adjustments to the corporate design have already been implemented.