With the new online platform https://www.digital-lotse-wasser.org Hof University of Applied Sciences aims to record and publicise modern digitalisation solutions for the German-speaking water industry. According to the researchers, only around 10 per cent of the available digital aids are currently being used in the utilities industry. The reason for the lack of acceptance of the technology is often simply a lack of information about available solutions, functions and benefits.

Source: bitzinger Gmbh

The "Digital Lotse Wasser" platform developed by Hof University of Applied Sciences aims to eliminate the information deficit in the long term. The website offers a comprehensive database for digitalisation solutions in the water sector, making it easier for local authorities, researchers and providers to find the information they need:

Our database is organised by category, application, technology, provider and best practice and provides a clear overview of the current state of digitalisation in the water sector."

Prof Günter Müller-Czygan, Project Manager

Prof Günter Müller-Czygan; Image: Hof University of Applied Sciences;

New research results available online

In addition to the database, the "Water Pilot" also offers access to the most important research results from the WaterExe4.0 and DigiNaX meta-studies completed at Hof University of Applied Sciences. "These were carried out in order to understand the challenges and success factors of digitalisation in the water industry. They provide valuable insights into the reasons for the current reluctance to introduce digital solutions and the success factors in projects that have already been implemented," explains Prof Müller-Czygan.

Positive examples from the industry

The new platform also focuses on connecting the industry: users, researchers and service providers have the opportunity to network and present their work to a wider audience. "Anyone who registers on the portal can, for example, submit a description of a digital solution or project using a standardised form and publish it as an example of best practice," explains the project manager. He continues: "With the 'Digital Lotse Wasser' platform, it has never been easier to find the information you need and present your own digital solution."

Register now!

Anyone who works in the German-speaking water industry and is interested in the benefits of digitalisation is invited to take part. Anyone can find useful information here. However, to present your own digital solution, you must register on the platform.  register and become an active part of a communitywhich is committed to digitalisation in the water sector. The platform is to be continuously expanded and improved in the future, according to those responsible.